Turn your Website Into a Client Magnet

So you put up a swanky website. That’s just soooo you. But … something’s not quite right and you can’t put a finger on it.

The people you send to your site – just vanish into thin air.

You know you should be getting way more signups.

You know you should be getting way more conversions.

But…you don’t know why things aren’t working out.

Stop wondering. Let me figure it out with a WEBSITE AUDIT!

Leveraging over 20 years of experience in website design, studying human psychology, internet marketing and conversions AND running a few businesses, I uncover

  • which parts of your site are effective
  • which ones are working against you
  • and more importantly the EASIEST and most EFFECTIVE things to change to turn your website into a money making Client Magnet




Unlike the other geeky automated analysis you get from all those free platforms that leaves you pulling your head out in frustration over reams and reams of numbers, wondering what the heck to do with all that data…..

I do a real human analysis. Things like:

  • How easy is for visitors to evaluate whether you’re the dream solution to all their problems?
  • Does signing up require navigating through 5 pages and searching for a small button hidden somewhere?
  • Are those photos really working for you or against you?
  • Do the colors and graphics and photos clash with your core message or supplement it?

The real tough questions. That could make or break your website.

I walk through your website, page by page, element by element, with new eyes – the eyes of your ideal soul customer.

I tell you what they see, what they think, what they feel on your website.

And then I tell you HOW to fix things so that you leave them in a mini-orgasmic state feeling

  • OMG, I’m so THRILLED I found you! Where have you been all my life?!
  • This is EXACTLY what I needed! You read my mind!
  • I want this NOW! Here’s my money !

Ooh! That's just what I want! Sign me up already!

What we cover in depth:

  • The First Impression: What goes on visitors head in the first few seconds of landing on your website? Does their face light up, their heart skip a beat? Or does it leave them feeling wonky like they’ve been churned in washing machine?
  • Your Message: Does it resonate with your ideal soul customer?  Does your message connect with her heart? 
  • Your Copy: Do your words evoke an emotional connection? Or do they read like a dry research paper?
  • Your Layout: Does the layout draw the eye on a well thought out journey? Or does it feel like a 4 year old did a bad job at connecting the dots?
  • Conversion: How easy is it for visitors to sign up?
  • Responsive: Does it work well on a smartphone or tablet? Can users still find what they’re looking for easily?
  • Graphics and Images: Do they add function and flow to the site? Or did you just slap them on in a futile attempt to make things look pretty?
  • Load time: How fast does your site load? 
  • Call to Action: Do you have effective CTAs on each page? Do you have conflicting CTAs on each page? How to get them to convert better.
  • Your Services: Is it crystal clear how you can help them? Or does your list of services leave them confused like the menu at a B-Grade restaurant? Does your Work With Me page make them feel excited and eager to sign up? Does it make it super easy for them to sign up?


In exploring these questions, I get you to see your site anew, from the perspective of your ideal soul client. And then I SHOW you HOW you can change things about to achieve the flow, the connection and the conversion to grow your business.

In clear actionable steps.

We tackle the low hanging fruit first to guarantee you a quick win and through-the-roof return on your investment.

Ooh! That's just what I want! Sign me up already!

Richa nailed my problem in an instant! I had too many ideas cycling through my website and in my content that no one would ever have an idea of who I am and what exactly I am about. I wasn’t even sure how to tell people what I did!

With one phone call Richa identified the problem, but went a step further in helping to give me the permission I needed to scrap the part of the business title and plan that was making me uncomfortable, but that I was also clinging to for validation.

With one small shift I managed to do in one week what I had been trying to do for a year. I now am writing my 3rd course, and I am working out the details of my first ever sales funnel.

I am beyond thrilled with Richa’s follow up, the love, and care that she has shown me has helped me and my confidence as I have made some pretty dramatic decisions and moves.

I have worked with several coaches, but no one was able to get to the heart of the problem the way Richa did. I am beyond grateful!

Willow Bradner

Intuitive Consultant

Richa gave me some very clear and valid tips to help improve the navigation of my site. I was at a point of feeling completely paralyzed by all the different suggestions given to me by coaches, copy writers and others which ended up in a complete disaster. My site navigation was confusing even to me and I needed a fresh set of eyes. I’m super happy Richa reached out to me because her ideas for changes made complete sense and she was sweetly yet brutally honest with her suggestions, which is exactly what I’d hoped for and what I needed. I’m super happy with the changes I’ve applied and now have a site that I’m excited to send new visitors to. Thanks Richa!

Briena Sash

Award-winning photographer + creator of Wellness Stock Shop

How It Works

01. book

Book your audit below. You’ll have to fill out a form with details of your website/sales page, then select a slot for our review call, and pay.


I evaluate your website/sales page thoroughly, based on the details you filled out in the form, and figure out how best to turn your website into a Client Magnet


On a Zoom call, I share the best way to turn your website into a Client Magnet, with the least effort, taking on the low hanging fruits first. We often re-write the copy as well on these calls!

04. summarize

I send you core findings from the audit + recommendations + recording of our call so that you can refer back to it later, or share with your designer/developer.

And no, it doesn’t cost an arm & a leg!! Your investment to turn your website into a client magnet is
a super affordable $297. The ROI you get – limitless really!

Ooh! That's just what I want! Sign me up already!

It all started with an Audit……

Want to know HOW a website audit can help your business? Here’s how it helped these women turn their business around

It helped Stephanie Roth turn her business around from struggling as a food blogger with focus on natural fertility methods to thriving as a Fertility Coach!

It started Ulla Gaudin on a path to having clients queue up at 250x her old rate, sign up 7 speaking engagements and grow her email list from scratch to ~1000.

It helped Cindy Taylor transform her business from a ‘corporate-y’ accounting and book-keeping service to heart centered money mentoring for women in business. 

Ooh! That's just what I want! Sign me up already!

I can’t believe how much Richa was able to communicate in her video review of my sales page!

Richa acted as both “fresh client” and expert reviewer, nailing every wobbly, unclear, and disordered aspect of my sales page, where I would have certainly lost the interest of a prospective customer. How valuable!

Her suggestions were direct, specific, and super helpful. I loved how empowered I felt afterward to solve the problems.

Shannon Walbran

Spiritual Mentor

Richa is awesome!  I first met her when, after working with another web designer, I had a draft website for my fertility coaching business that I knew was sub-par.  I personally was uninspired by this site and knew that it wouldn’t best represent my business.

Richa offered to do an audit of this site for me, gave me such relevant and useful advice that I knew I wanted her to build a new website for me.

In just a week’s time, she created a website that was not only far superior to the website from the other designer that I waited five months for, but a website that I’m proud to showcase. 

Stephanie Roth

Fertility Coach, Your Fertile Self

I loved working with Richa! She was totally approachable, direct without being intimidating and 100% spot on in her assessment of my website. She absolutely hit it spot on and opened my eyes to other aspects that could be improved I hadn’t even thought of. If you’re not sure why your website isn’t converting or pulling traffic, I’d definitely recommend working with Richa!

Moniqua Plante

Health & Wellness Coach, The Plante Life

Firstly the grace and ease Richa bought to the technical difficulties was heartening, such a patient manner. She then went through my website page by page and gave me such valuable information on what wasn’t working and how it could work from a marketing perspective. Richa was so accessible and so was the language she used. The session was incredible practical. I know eaxactly what I need to do. I would recommend Richa, she is skilled, kind and generous.

Judy Baderle

Art-Meditation-Ritual, Australia, Jude Baderle

I wanted a site that reflected who I am. I came from a corporate background, and while my site was fine for my book keeping services, it didn’t reflect me or the real value I provide. I wanted simple modern elegant lines – a breath of fresh air really.

I had a vision in my head.. in my mind, and no way of bringing that out on screen – but that’s what you’ve done for me! You’ve brought it out from my head to the screen!

…. Now, it shows my personality. When people are coming to work with me now, I’m doing much more than book keeping. I’m doing 1:1 mentoring, around finances and money, and coaching women in business – those women are able to look at my website and see who they’re going to be working with. They get an idea of not just the type of work I do, but also the type of woman I am, and how I like to work.

Cindy Taylor

Money Mentor

Ooh! That's just what I want! Sign me up already!