The secret sauce
To writing great copy
To creating an ah-mazing website
To having clients happily pull out their wallet to pay you – and send you lots of lovely referrals!
To having your courses and programs sell out with ease
… is something really really simple.
And it’s just the ONE thing.
Yes. It is.
All of it – from copy, to launch strategy, from landing pages to sales pages, from FB posts to emails – it all HINGES on this ONE THING.
How well do you know your Ideal Client?
I’m not talking about creating a fictional character and making up things like what kind of shows she watches or what kind of car she drives. Nope. No matter what those hundreds of “ideal client profile” tell you. The car, the shoes, the perfumes.. that’s not what it’s about.
It’s about knowing her mind
Knowing her heart.
Knowing her unsaid frustrations.
Knowing the struggles she doesn’t even tell her best friends
Knowing those dreams, those aspirations, that she dare not acknowledge.
It’s about knowing her, even better than she knows herself.
That’s what it all comes down to.
That’s where it all comes from.
Your business strategy.
Which courses/programs you should create.
Your webinar title.
Your marketing plan.
Your blog posts, and FB posts, and sales page.
That’s where they should come from.
From CONNECTING with her. Her heart, her mind, and her soul.
From KNOWING her, better than she knows herself.
Great copy writing is really about putting in to words, what she doesn’t even know she’s thinking… and can’t quite put in to words. It’s about putting a form, to her thoughts, her feelings, her desires.
A great business, a great launch, a great marketing plan is all about meeting her where she is, showing her you UNDERSTAND her, and then helping her get from where she is stuck… to where her heart really wants to be.
And if you go out and hire a copywriter, a “messaging expert”, a VA, an FB ads guru, or whatever kind of help/service – without really understanding your ideal client’s heart, and mind , and soul….. it’s invariably going to fall flat.
unless, the person you hire also helps you “get in to her head”….
Clients are often amazed that I can “do it all” so seemlessly. From the writing the copy for their website to creating it.
From their branding to their newsletters. And a whole lot of other stuff in between.
But it’s really very simple….once you “get into their head”, once you connect with them beyond the superficial. I have a knack of connecting with my clients. Understanding what they don’t even know they want, putting into words and onto pages… what they don’t know they needed to say. And then, through them, connecting with THEIR ideal client.
Yes, I know you got in to business by yourself – for yourself.
To be all that you can be
To be all that you are
To have the freedom
The control
and the time
to live life on your own terms.
And now here I am telling you, that your business isn’t really about you. You probably hate me for this. But I’m going to repeat it anyway.
It’s about YOUR clients.
Get to know them.
Get inside their heads.
Connect with them.
Beyond the superficial.
Look at everything – from their perspective.
And let that guide your decisions.
And your copy
And your branding
And your marketing
And your business strategy
And your sales conversations.
Because hey, the most important person in your business, is your client.
How well do you know her?
Need some support to #MonetizeYOURGenius?
Then let’s talk! Schedule a (free) call to explore how best I can help you!