The Most Important Person in Your Business

The secret sauce To writing great copy To creating an ah-mazing website To having clients happily pull out their wallet to pay you – and send you lots of lovely referrals! To having your courses and programs sell out with ease   … is something really...

Your Website – It’s NOT About YOU

Want your About page to really really make an impact? (this is the part MOST people get wrong – even copy writers!)   First, what’s the ‘impact’ you want it to register?   When people visit your About page – you want them to be nodding...

Are you still in hiding?

Are you still hiding behind your website? Behind the tech? Behind the copy? I’ve seen women hold back on their website saying they can’t handle tech. Saying they can’t afford to hire someone either. I’ve seen women hide behind ‘Oh,...

Do you know the NUMBER ONE problem most new entrepreneurs face?

Do you know the NUMBER ONE  problem most new entrepreneurs face? The ONE problem that takes them months AND years to overcome; that leaves them pulling their hair out in frustration; that makes them wonder whether they were bat crazy to want to do it all in the first...

When To HIRE vs DIY Your Website

New entprenuers often struggle with this question – to go the DIY route or hire a web designer/developer to build their site. I’ll get straight to the point (I know you’re busy!) Yes, do you your own website IF two or more of these hold true for you: If you’re on a...

How to Choose the Right Web Designer/Developer for Your Needs

As a business owner, you really want to make sure your website reflects who you are and all that you have to offer. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure you hire the right web designer / developer to create a website for you. You most probably have more experience...