Think you don’t need a good website? Think again.

Some people say you don’t need a website when you’re just starting out. I say – YOU MUST have one. And no, I don’t say that because you need something to show prospective clients.   BUT BECAUSE YOU NEED SOMETHING FOR YOU.   Especially if...

Your Website – It’s NOT About YOU

Want your About page to really really make an impact? (this is the part MOST people get wrong – even copy writers!)   First, what’s the ‘impact’ you want it to register?   When people visit your About page – you want them to be nodding...
Feeling the Fear, and Doing It Anyway

Feeling the Fear, and Doing It Anyway

August has been an incredible month for me. So so much learning! So much growing. Yes, I heard it was the season of eclipses and lots of things happening with the planets. But I don’t understand all of that. What I do know is that when you feel the fear, and do...

Are you still in hiding?

Are you still hiding behind your website? Behind the tech? Behind the copy? I’ve seen women hold back on their website saying they can’t handle tech. Saying they can’t afford to hire someone either. I’ve seen women hide behind ‘Oh,...

Progression or Procrastination – What do YOU Choose?  

Look, I get it. As a woman in business, there are a hundred, if not a thousand things on your TODO list. And a zillion other ideas rattling around in your brain for attention Kids, or perhaps grandkids, bouncing about the house Clamoring for dinner, or rather snacks...

Why You MUST DIY Your Very First Business Website

Wondering whether to DIY your website or hire someone to do it for you? Well, it depends. It depends on which stage your business is at. It depends on how clear you are about your business, your audience, your revenue streams etc. If you’re in the early stages...